Check Out These Incredible Counterfeit Beers At China’s National Food And Beverage Fair

88th National Food and Beverage Fair in Chengdu

Chengdu recently hosted the 88th National Food and Beverage Fair (糖酒会), the seen-and-be-seen pimp show for anybody who’s anybody in China’s F&B industry. My own Belgian beer company basically ruled the catwalk with our four phallises of draft beer, freely pumping to more than 50,000 attendants who will now go about thinking that Belgian beer is a cheap product because it was located between the second-tier baijiu and the knock-off beer stalls.

Yep, knock-off beers. “Ganter” was their name, and they produce as a subsidiary of Tsingtao in Shanxi. As if name-dropping the province “Shanxi” weren’t enough to discredit them, a quick Google search shows that Ganter is a generic German beer that has no mention of China on its Wikipedia page. Even a Baidu search leads to the German company’s Chinese blog. Closer investigation revealed that these beers, labeled “Ganter” and engraved with Tsingtao’s mountainous design…

Counterfeit beers

…may have drawn their inspiration from elsewhere:

Counterfeit beers vs real beers

Ganter China, whoever they are, must be doing well, since it costs a smooth 15,000 RMB to join the fair. As far as I can tell, each bottle contains the exact same content. Cheers.

    3 Responses to “Check Out These Incredible Counterfeit Beers At China’s National Food And Beverage Fair”

    1. Chinese Netizen

      This is but one reason there is a dearth of well known Chinese brands in the West (according to an article in the SCMP recently)

    2. brackishwater

      I smell an advertorial. A promotional pic of your stall, a link to your website, and half a paragraph about how well you’re doing? Looks like BJC has found a profit model.

      Other than that, interesting post. Also, it’s “phallus”.

    3. Gero

      lol funny thats a micro brewery from Germany and has nothing to do with the weibo side… love china..

      ps. you would not get that ganter beer anywhere outside the city of freiburg.


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