See Hong Kong As It Was Meant To Be Seen: Vertically

Vertical Hong Kong 2

Without a doubt, Hong Kong is a vertically oriented city, with vertiginous towers built upon mountains and hills and other daunting inclines. Which is why we’re happy to encounter graphic artist/photographer Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze’s rendering of the city in “Vertical Horizon,” a project that strives to see Hong Kong as measly mortals must.

“Fisheye lenses bend the edges of the photos to make it curvy, while my lens doesn’t,” he told Wall Street Journal. “I think it fits better architectural shots and it’s more faithful to reality.”

He used a “wide-angle Sigma lens with a 10 mm focal length,” reports WSJ, and took photos between January and July of last year. A few more sample photos follow, but a fuller slideshow is here.

His exhibition is at Hotel Panorama by Rhombus until June 24.

Vertical Hong Kong 1
Vertical Hong Kong 3
Vertical Hong Kong 4
Vertical Hong Kong 5
Vertical Hong Kong 6

Dizzyingly Vertical Hong Kong (Scene Asia, WSJ, h/t Rob Hogg)

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