Friday Night Musical Outro, Belatedly: Duck Fight Goose – Glass Walls

Hello Beijing Cream readers. My name is Morgan and I work at this other website called SmartBeijing, wherein we specialize in faking the funk on nasty dunks. The Tao is outsourcing these Friday Musical Outros to me so he can concentrate on… well, hey, look at that… pretty tame week. Human suffering seems like it was somewhat minimal this week… no toilet babies… no… oh. Oh wait. Yep, there it is. Yes!

Lots of rocking and rolling and blah, blah, blah, pppffftthhhpt this weekend on fine stages all over Beijing, my friends. Yesterday marked the return of Fete de la Musique and Beijing Music Day, which I think is actually the same thing. Two names, same thing? Yeah, that’s two names for the same thing. Anyways, here’s the main website for this multi-venue event, and that’s got all the information you need to figure out who, what, where, and when if you want to see some live music.

If I had to throw some recommendations at you for Fete de la Beijing Music Day, I’d hit up Mao Livehouse to catch Djang San, who’s playing earlier on in the evening. (Ed’s note: uh, yeah, he’s already done playing. Sorry.) Real talented dude. He just released a live recording of his performance at last weekend’s Hanggai Festival — check that out right here. On top of that, the Temple Bar show looks like fun, especially with synthwave duo Wanderlust in the mix. I love those kids and this is a rare chance to catch them kicking out their special brand of art-damaged synth fuckery to a roomful of sour faced rock bros. Should be fun.

For the featured video this week, however, we’re jumping right on ahead to a Sunday night show: a rare appearance in Beijing for Shanghai’s greatest underground hope, Duck Fight Goose. This a slick, slick, slick music viddy they made for one of the stronger tracks from their last record, Sports. They’re in town on the heels of some festival in Dalian, tacking on a sneaky Sunday night show in Beijing at XP. Go to it. Trust me.

DFG are also recording a new album in September so maybe we’ll get a chance to hear some new material.

But also hopefully some classics, i.e. “Thayr will be FIII-YAAAH! FIII-YAAHHH!”

Good times.

Morgan is the editor of Smart Beijing and fake DJs around town. Suggestions for Friday Music Send Outs and feedback to

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