Tiananmen Duck Man

Tiananmen Duck Man

I’m just going to put this here and admire from afar.

(Via I Love China)

    22 Responses to “Tiananmen Duck Man”

      • Mat Ryan

        Thats the spirit Fred, but don’t you want to know the whole “backstory” before you tell the mothers of the dead to “get over it already”?

        You think the Chinese should do likewise in relation to its history with Japan?

        • RhZ

          We should wait for a full accounting of 89 before casting judgment. Its been nearly 25 years, but I am willing to wait. Just waiting on that full accounting, I am sure it will come out soon, then we can cast blame. Waiting, waiting…

    1. lordsuckle

      Why is it that western media ignores the student protests of South Korea that happened throughout the 80′s? Many students were killed during the entire decade yet that period harldy receives any coverage whatsoever, even in S. Korea. You think it might have something to do with the fact S. Korea is an OECD nation?

      • King Baeksu

        Lol, you have no idea what you’re talking about. The city of Gwangju, home of the Gwangju Massacre (or Democratization Movement) of May 1980, has a nationally recognized May 18 Cemetery and South Korean presidents make regular visits to it to pay solemn respect. The current South Korean President, Park Geun-hye, is a right-winger but even she visited it two weeks ago and said, “I feel the sorrow of family members and the city of Gwangju every time I visit the National May 18 Cemetery. I believe achieving a more mature democracy is a way to repay the sacrifice paid by those [killed in the massacre.]”

        Gwangju was by far the largest mass killing of demonstrators in the 1980s in South Korea. A few university students in Seoul died later on during clashes with police, but their memory still lives on strongly in South Korea as well. In other words, South Korea has taken full account of what happened in the past on its road to democracy, so there is no real “story” there these days as far as Western journalists are concerned. The situation is quite different in China, which is obviously why the story still resonates for many around the world.

        Tiananmen is a still-potent symbol because the struggle for democracy in China, which is what it represents after all, has yet to be won. There’s a simple way to drain much of the potency of that symbol, but the CCP is clearly lacks the courage and integrity to do so.

        Shame on them, I say. Shame on them.

        • Fred

          Tiananmen had jack shit to do with “democracy”, it’s been co-opted so many times all based on the us media reports which covered literally none of what actually happened.

          China could release the archives of everything tomorrow, and because it highly contrasts the US narrative of what happens, it would be dismissed and mocked. So there’s really no point in bothering with it at all.

        • liliju

          Interesting post. Has the Gwangju Massacre anniversary ever appeared on the front page of the NYT? Every June 4th, the NYT and other “newspapers” have a photo ready of “you know what.”

          • Mat Ryan

            Please slooooowly reread King Baeksu’s post earlier as to why one is still topical and talked about and the other not.

            You starting to see now? It’s all the CCP’s hands

          • King Baeksu

            “Has the Gwangju Massacre anniversary ever appeared on the front page of the NYT? ”

            A Google search for “Kwangju” — the standard romanization of the city until recently — and “www.nytimes.com” brings up over a million results. Enter “Gwangju” and “www.nytimes.com” and you’ll find even more. A sample title from 1996: “The People of Kwangju Recall 1980 Massacre.”

            Have you ever heard of that amazing tool called Google? Probably not, because it takes a brain — and not just a feeble-minded agenda — to actually use it.

            I know several Western correspondents who were in Korea at the time of the Gwangju Massacre and who covered it for major newspapers back home. It was a huge story, and has been widely covered in the Western media in the years since then.

            Moreover, Gwangju helped inspire the protesters in Beijing nine years later. As a well-known anarchist scholar on a Korean Studies Listserve recently wrote, “Gwangju inspired activists in Tiananmen Square. At least one photo book was circulated among student leaders during the occupation by a Korean student then studying at Beijing U.”

            Thank you for playing. Better luck next time!

            • King Baeksu

              “What’s Google? How can I find it?”


              BTW, a number of popular movies about the Gwangju Massacre have been made and released in South Korea over the years. Jang Sun-woo’s “A Petal” (1996) is an excellent film to start with for those interested.

              Just out of curiosity, can any of the Party stooges in this thread tell me if there have been any feature films about Tiananmen produced in China?

    2. Mat Ryan

      You must be confusing this site with Soulcum.com because what you talk about has nothing whatsoever to do with what happened in Beijing, China.

      Nice try, but no wu mao for you….

    3. Prestatyn

      “China could release the archives of everything tomorrow, and because it highly contrasts the US narrative of what happens, it would be dismissed and mocked.”

      I see, so China only releases archives from its troubled past that it feels might be accepted and supported by the US? How touching!

      It could – but it won’t. Why? Shame and embarrassment. C’mon Fred – if the party were proud that it had done the right thing it would be trumpeting it from the rooftops, not desperately attempting to erase all mention of the incident even quarter of a century later. Guilty conscience? I think so.

      • superpin

        If you’re looking for something “healthy” then you’ve come to the wrong place. Last week BJC posted video of a woman getting cut in half by an elevator. What do you expect from a website that relies on the sensational and extreme?

        • WoAi

          Elevator safety is a legitimate issue and the incident last week highlights this. I was commenting more on the nature of the people who post comments on this topic rather than about this blog in general.

          And she wasn’t cut in half she was decapitated.

          • dmxjr

            Who you be boy? Who correct who? Watch ur feet boy. You know? This website, no blog. You try lose me face so family see me? Shame! I hope tank man find you. today!


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