This video is from April 1 of this year, but was just released on Youku five days ago. It shows at least two female employees of a KTV in Xuzhou, Jiangsu province getting attacked — innocently, says the video description — by ruffians just after 10 pm. One person was sent to a psychiatric hospital following the assault, and three others were injured.
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July 27, 2017 2:09 am
Damn, those “guys” are dogs!
1. they hit women.
2. they hit them on the face.
3. they’re 6+ against 2.
4. they continue to hit them even when they’re on the ground.
5. there’s a really nasty round-kick thrown to a woman’s head – failed, luckily for the woman.
6. they hit women!
This is something that would never happen in many countries, what the hell went wrong in ppl’s education/head here.
Well, using the standard (but sometimes variable) formula of a fair fight in China being 3CMvs.1CM (CM being Chinaman), 5CMvs.1LaoWai, and 7CMvs.1fruit vendor, then I would surmise that the female employees fall slightly in between a CM and a LaoWai, thereby making the formula 4CMvs.1KTVGirl the answer to the headline here. This is considered non-prosecutable in China as it is a “fair fight”.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.. All these internet videos are a godsend. Finally we can put that nasty stereotype that all Chinese people know Kung fu to bed.