The Creamcast, Ep.06: Candice Lee, Expat Extraordinaire

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Candice Lee is leaving China, and that doesn’t seem fair for those of us who can’t imagine a Beijing without her — including the bowling league, the annual kickball tournament, those random nights at 4corners or Great Leap Brewing when she would be merrily blitzed from a boozy dinner and talk about things no one would remember the day after.

If there was an Expat Hall of Fame, C-Dice would be a first-ballot entry. Over her seven years here, she has accumulated friends and acquaintances — and stories — from every social circle, from Ultimate Frisbee to business to journalism. If you’re an Olympic-wave expat (arrived 2006-08) in Beijing and find that you’re separated by more than one degree from C-Dice, you’re doing something wrong.

What we could say is that Candice Lee represents millennial expatriate fun in its purest form, and might just be the linchpin of our presently fading era of easy jobs, friendly faces, cheap rent, and discoveries around every bend. That’s probably overstating it though. In the end, we all just wish we could have a China experience like hers — before we grow up, buy business casual slacks, and leave this place.

This episode marks the debut of our new host, Amy Daml. Lee talks about her projects, a planned cross-country sidecar trip, being an Asian American in China, and making out at bars. Also, co-host John Artman tells his famous snail joke.

Download Episode 6 of The Creamcast here, or listen to it on iTunes.

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Theme song sampled from Löhstana David’s ”Demain je change de vie,” and our logo is by Katie. This episode was recorded at the offices of Vericant.

Follow John Artman @knowsnothing or visit his websiteYou can catch Amy Daml every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on China Radio International’s Easy Cafe.

    3 Responses to “The Creamcast, Ep.06: Candice Lee, Expat Extraordinaire”

    1. mike

      Congratulations to Candice on GTFO of China … Since your last name is Lee, I doubt you were treated that badly, but still, your lungs will thank you.


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