Woman Threatens To “Castrate” Neighbor’s Dog Accused Of Raping Her Purebred

Rapist and rape victim dog

A woman in Guangzhou who saw a neighbor’s pooch mounting her purebred is calling it rape and demanding 100,000 yuan in compensation. She’s also threatened to “castrate” her neighbor’s dog, in Global Times’s words, which brings up the all-important question: what the hell does that mean? Is she planning on slicing off the dog’s dick with a box cutter? Perform sorcery on it like the sadistic wizard did to Varys? Like Fulbert did to Abélard, whereupon the neutered mutt enters a canine monastery?

“My pedigree dog was intended for research and worth millions of yuan. It was important she stayed a virgin, so now I have to claim compensation,” she explained.

The woman notified police after catching the alleged rapist in the act outside her home. She insisted her dog had been seduced and raped, and even went as far as to collect bodily secretions from her dog as evidence, Guangzhou Daily reported on July 10.

The neighbor was rightly befuddled.

The dog’s owner surnamed Lin was baffled by the accusations. “Since both dogs were unleashed and running freely, it’s hard to define seduction and rape,” argued Lin.

Since the dispute began, the purebred owner has indeed kidnapped the neighbor’s mongrel, as The Nanfang writes. A modern-day love tragedy, this. (Assuming there was no actual rape, because otherwise “love” is totally and utterly the wrong word choice.)

Police, however, immediately dismissed the case as claims of “rape” between animals would be impossible to prove. But the owner did not leave it at that. After a series of heated disputes in their apartment complex, Jindao Gardens in Fangcun, that were so heated they caught the attention of neighbours, the owner of the purebred dog kidnapped the mongrel and is refusing to return it.

There is, of course, no legal case here at all for the purebred owner.

A veteran policeman also told the paper that only in the case of dog bites would the law get involved.

We’re not really sure what media ethics are on printing photos of alleged rapists and rape victims when they are dogs. If it’s frowned upon, we’d like to apologize for the above photos, though in our defense, Global Times did it first.

Woman accuses neighbor’s dog of rape (Global Times)
Bizarre case of ‘dog rape’ ends up in Guangzhou court (The Nanfang)

    4 Responses to “Woman Threatens To “Castrate” Neighbor’s Dog Accused Of Raping Her Purebred”

    1. Amanda R.

      “My pedigree dog was intended for research and worth millions of yuan. It was important she stayed a virgin”
      Then put her on a fucking leash! This is one of my pet-parent pet peeves in China. My dog is my baby so to keep her safe (including protecting her from getting raped by boy dogs) I keep her on a leash. Unless they are at a dog park, I do not understand why Chinese pet parents are so irresponsible and let their little dogs run free where they can so easily get run over, stepped on, rapped, and kidnapped.

    2. mike

      Like what other commenters said: I don’t think ‘rape’ exists in the animal kingdom. It’s just something we made up.

      As for this, “My pedigree dog was intended for research and worth millions of yuan. It was important she stayed a virgin, so now I have to claim compensation,” she explained.”

      Stop lying. You’re embarrassing yourself.


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