1 Million Farm-Raised Cockroaches Are On The Loose In Jiangsu


If you live in Dafeng, Jiangsu province, do yourself a favor and seal up your rice bags and biscuit jars, because at least one million cockroaches are on the loose and coming for you.

Reports AP:

At least one million cockroaches have escaped a farm in China where they were being bred for use in traditional medicine, a report said.

Wait, wait, wait. Bred for traditional medicine?

The cockroach is generally considered a pest, but believers in traditional Chinese medicine — which uses both plants and animals, including endangered species — say extracts from it can treat diseases including cancer, reduce inflammation and improve immunity.

It’s good of AP to remind you that traditional Chinese medicine is a bane on endangered plants and animals, as if the sentence “At least one million cockroaches have escaped a farm in China where they were being bred for use in traditional medicine” weren’t enough to make you disdain it.

Farm owner Wang Pengsheng invested more than 100,000 yuan ($16,000) in 102 kilograms of Periplaneta americana eggs after spending six months developing a business plan, the report Friday said.

The cockroaches fled a plastic greenhouse when an “unknown perpetrator” damaged it earlier this month. The roaches are in surrounding cornfields, and being dealt with by disease control authorities.

On one hand, I guess they need to be killed, because they’re cockroaches. On the other hand, whoever roots against escaped captives? I don’t know. Go, roaches, go.

One million cockroaches flee China farm: report (AP via Modern Express, h/t Alicia)

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