Busty Taiwanese Quintet Pays Tribute To The Breast With “Curdle Cutter” Dance

If you have a spare moment — but only a moment, because we’d hate for this to detract from, you know, whatever it is you do – check out this video of five Chinese girls doing a breasty sort of tribute to the boob mother.

Collectively, the five are known as Sun Lady, and are not to be called, I don’t think, Wonder Girls lite. They’re from Taiwan, and that thing they’re doing, specifically the shaving from the bottom of their chesty protrusions, is what Sinopathic calls the “curdle cutter.” (That’s a damn inspired name.)

That move’s originator, says Sinopathic, may have been Thai group 321 Kamikaze, specifically in its song Splash Out. (That link is a video, and I’m not sure if it’s safe for work; maybe watch on mute.)

Could this be the start of a new craze, since Sun Lady’s video on Youku has been viewed 791,000 times in three days? What say you, Sinopathic?

Harlem Shuffle, Gangnam Style, Bollywood… yes, 3.2.1 Kamikaze was just looking to be ripped off by someone even savvier at copying than himself. And while no one can distinctly claim to be the sole progenitor and owner of the dance move whereby women emphasize their chestal region by doing an impossibly sexy “Arrested Development” chicken impression, one thing is clear:

This is the start of a new trend in China.

So dust off those elbows; you’ll be needing them flailing high over your shoulders as you “cut that milk” – rugs are already so gauche.

Cut away, ladies.

Curdle cutter by Sun Lady 1
Curdle cutter by Sun Lady 3
Curdle cutter by Sun Lady 2

China’s Newest Dance Sensation: “The Curdle Cutter” by Sun Lady (Sinopathic)

    5 Responses to “Busty Taiwanese Quintet Pays Tribute To The Breast With “Curdle Cutter” Dance”

    1. brackishwater

      While the name is inspired, I fear it may be limited to Taiwan and the Chinese diaspora, where heartier diets make for chestier ladies.

      In the mainland, I suggest we call it the Raisin Razor.

    2. SinoSoul

      I love how they put the uglier one in the back of the routine. But htf are the Taiwanese gonna defeat hallyu with these hacks and stuffed bras? TRY HARDER FOR YOUR COUNTRY.

    3. terroir

      Antoine, may we and all brothers under the sun be united in our mutual admiration of the boob: may we be blessed together in peace and harmony in awe of its might and power.

      The phrase 切奶舞 was first used by the Thai dance video (it was released back in May), and so it also comes to be used here. The literal name is “milk slicing dance” and that was not very flattering, therefore “curdle cutting” it is.

      Last I saw, it was already 700K views on Youtube. Come on internet, let’s do something right: let’s make stars out of these women for doing something amazing.

    4. Ronin

      While the ladies in this video certainly are a pleasure to look at, anyone who thinks they’re busty has spent far too long in Asia.


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