90-Year-Old Chinese Grandmother Publicly Expresses Support For Gay Son

“I’m 90 years old,” the young lady in this video begins by saying. “My grandson, @木头宅, is gay. He is very dutiful and sensible. I love him dearly. I hope he finds a good boyfriend and lives a happy life, and I hope that the government supports him.”

And that’s it. A short and sweet message, just in time for Chinese Valentine’s Day yesterday.

But, of course, that’s not completely it. The 30-second clip, in all its simplicity — produced by Guangzhou-based PFLAG (Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians and Gays) China – has gone viral, reports SCMP.

“Mutou” [not his real name], a 28-year old engineer in Fuzhou, said he was completely swept  away by his fearless grandmother who had agreed to speak on camera.

“This means she will have to deal with lots of pressure from strangers and relatives,” said Mutou, who revealed his sexuality to his parents last year. The elderly woman had been surprisngly supportive and understanding after Mutou’s parents told her the news, he said.

“She even tried to calm my parents – who were less accepting in the beginning – and asked them to take it easy,” Mutou said. “She did it out of simple love.”

The grandmother also held a placard that urged for the legalization of gay marriage.

‘I hope he’ll find a boyfriend and live a happy life’: Chinese gran’s message to gay grandson goes viral (SCMP)

    2 Responses to “90-Year-Old Chinese Grandmother Publicly Expresses Support For Gay Son”

    1. terroir

      Since teenagers aren’t allowed to be teenagers in China, it’s old people who are the real teenagers. They say whatever they want, look for true love, defy authority, laugh loudly and get into wild hotrod races down by the creek bed with ties settled by switchblades and broken bottles.

      One of those facts may be erroneous.


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