The good folks of Sherpa’s — a delivery service that brings food to your doorstep from select restaurants in Beijing, Shanghai, and Suzhou — are joining us to help make Chug-Off for Charity memorable. All contestants — and there are still slots available, just email tao@beijingcream.com to register — will receive a 100 RMB Sherpa’s voucher, which is, like, two free burgers, or a giant plate of chicken wings and salad, or a Pad Thai plus chicken curry. The combinations are endless.
To get you excited, we invited Sherpa’s founder Mark Secchia to answer some questions.
How fast are you at chugging a beer?
Tough question! A cold, really carbonated pint, or a room temperature smoother can? For the first one, about 10 to 12 seconds. For the second one, about 5 to 8 seconds.
What is your favorite beer… to chug?
Without a doubt, Paulaner’s Lager.
If you could chug off against anyone in history, who would it be and why?
Socrates. So we could sit and ponder it for a while. Old-school.
How many beers would you estimate you chug per week?
Depressingly, zero. There are times every few weeks when a good chug is in order, but not enough times that it pushes my average very high.
Just to confirm: Sherpa’s is giving 100-rmb vouchers for every participant of Chug-Off for Charity. These all have expiration dates for, like, the day after, right?
Ha! No, we would not do that to you! They expire one year after the Chug-Off.
Also, iPhones — what’s that about?
That is kind of a funny story. We were getting one fixed, and in the confusion we thought that we had to buy a new one. But they ended up fixing the old one for free, after we had bought the new one… so voila!
Note: Sherpa’s is running an iPhone contest, i.e. you can win a free iPhone 5 in exchange for a witty video title (it’s pretty easy). Submit before August 15, find out more here.
As an expert in chugging, what advice would you have for participants of Chug-Off for Charity?
Don’t eat within four hours of chugging, and be sure to have lots of liquids an hour before (preferably water) to stretch your stomach!
Thanks, Mark!
All proceeds from Chug-Off for Charity will go to the local organization Magic Hospital. The tournament is on Saturday, August 24, at 2 pm at the new Great Leap Taproom (12 Xinzhong Lu). More information here.
I could out-chug any of you fools… you can bet on that. Alas, I am not in China. Carry on.
I’m gonna out-chug ALL you motherfuckers!!!!!…….for charity.