Watch: Firefighter Saves Suicidal Woman In Guizhou

Another day, another great rescue by a firefighter in China. On Monday in Tongren, Guizhou province, a woman who had slit her wrist crawled out of a 7th-floor window and threatened to jump. It took a fast-thinking firefighter with an even faster move to save her.

Last Wednesday, a firefighter neutralized a gunman in Fujian province. And of course, there was this miraculous catch of a jumper in Harbin last week.

Apologies for the music in this video.

    One Response to “Watch: Firefighter Saves Suicidal Woman In Guizhou”

    1. asdfg

      The guy coming out of the window at 1:18 is a helpful chap as well. “Oh, you’re struggling to come in real quick because you’ve problems keeping your balance? Let me just pull your waistband real hard, see what gives.”


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