A shortie but goodie from Global Times: “Actor Jackie Chan announced he will donate at least four old buildings to the ‘Jackie Chan World Park,’ to be located in Yizhuang district, the Beijing Times reported.”
Back up a second. Jackie Chan-themed amusement park?
The two-square-kilometer park will have five themed avenues, showcasing high technology and cultural experiences. Chan plans to import several old buildings to the park from his collection. He stirred up controversy earlier this year when he donated old Anhui-style buildings to Singapore, but Chan has defended his actions.
USA Today, which has picked up this story, reports via The Malaysian Times that the park will partly be a museum, featuring Chan’s furniture and jewelry. The park will (might?) have five main paths, each with a different theme. “Cultural experiences.”
Surely there’ll be a 4D theater where we can experience that time Jackie got beaten up by Bruce Lee?
New ideas for themed areas:
Communism is Awesome Land!
Sucking up to the Party Avenue!
Talking Bollocks About America Street!
Interactive area:
visitors must scale a man-made mountain that grows in size in tandem with a video playing Jackie spin another tall tale.
I hate Jackie Chan
Plenty of rumpus rooms for young, wanna be starlets to show their “talent” when they need to suck up for an acting job.
Also a giant, bigger than life bag filled with vinegar and Jackie’s face on it. The MonstroDouche of Chinese Culture.
a lowlife talent less dipstick, who would sell his mother for monetary gains. his principal ? no principal.