Today In Totally Safe River Crossings

Pengzhou wading and fording through river 1

The city of Pengzhou, Sichuan province is “urgently” building a bridge, reports China Daily. Why so urgently? Because check out the river that the townsfolk are currently fording. Does that look like something you’d be interested in doing?

June floods damaged a bridge called Chuanxi, forcing residents of Aoping and Junye townships to wade across Xiaoshi River near the dam.

Pengzhou wading and fording through river 2

Here are some more photos via China Navis via Shenyang Net:

Pengzhou wading and fording through river 3 Pengzhou wading and fording through river 4 Pengzhou wading and fording through river 5 Pengzhou wading and fording through river 6

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