18 Chengguan Hospitalized In Xiamen After Sulfuric Acid Attack

So, who wants to be a chengguan?

chinaSMACK reports via Beijing Times that 19 chengguan in Xiamen, Fujian province were victims of a sulfuric acid attack on October 16, with 18 of them needing hospital treatment.

Yesterday, Xiamen city Tong’an district City Management and Administration Law Enforcement Agency Joint-Section chief confirmed this incident to this Beijing Times reporter and said the chengguan team members were handling a Land and Resources Bureau’s aerial photography case at the time of the incident, and this incident caused various degrees of burns to 19 chengguan team members with 18 of them being hospitalized for treatment.

Feel sorry for them, feel sorry for them not. Feel sorry for them…

Chengguan attacked with sulfuric acid

You can watch the moment a villager supposedly attacked the chengguan in the above video. Interestingly, when chengguan travel in packs like this, there’s always someone holding a camcorder, probably to capture exactly these type of unprovoked attacks.

Of course, there was provocation, in the form of a bulldozer running over someone’s home. Something tells us this little fact will be deemed irrelevant in a court of law.

Sulfuric Acid Thrown at Chengguan in Xiamen, 18 Hospitalized (chinaSMACK)

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