Harvard Professors Singing Chinese Dynasty Song Is Delightful

We’d like to thank William Kirby and Peter Bol, the Harvard professors in the above video (part of a series called China X), for being their delightful selves as they sing the “Chinese dynasty song.”

“So, so we’re less concerned with the dates than we are with the chronological order, the sequence of the dynasties,” Bol says. “Can you sing that song?”

“I cannot sing it as well as you can,” Kirby replies. “Ni chang ba.”

“Well, shall we sing it together?”

Ni chang ba.

“Only if we sing it together.”


And off they go! It’s a treat and a delight. And you just might learn something about the chronology, the sequence, of Chinese dynasties.

UPDATE, 10:56 pm, via Sinosphere:

The singing professors are teaching a free course on China through HarvardX, the university’s branch of the nonprofit online learning program edX.

(H/T Shanghaiist)

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