Donnie Pretends To Be Roger Federer On The Streets Of Shanghai, With Extraordinary Results

Our favorite Masshole in China, Donnie, has done his best work yet, pretending to be Roger Federer on the streets of Shanghai. “Wo ai Zhongguo,” he says, which is exactly what the real Rog would’ve said, probably.

Not to be missed is the girl who covers her mouth and nearly giggles herself into oblivion, thinking Roger Federer just told her (in Chinese!) that she’s “very cute.”

If only the real Roger Federer signed his name like this:

Donnie Does as fake Roger Federer 2

    3 Responses to “Donnie Pretends To Be Roger Federer On The Streets Of Shanghai, With Extraordinary Results”

    1. Chinese Netizen

      Former Cali Gov. Ah-nold was touring the Terra Cotta warriors in Xi’An today. Saw the motorcade and was told by the tour guide. Later noticed his mug on various advertisements at bus stops, etc in the city.

      Think this guy could pull off an imitation of Terminator era Arnie?


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