Baidu’s Photo Translation App Yields Hilarious, Absurd Results [UPDATE]

Patrick Lozada as Batman

The greatest new app on the market is Baidu Translate, available for Android and iOS, which has the ability to identify and translate everyday objects using only a photograph. Amazing, right? You have no idea.

Contributor, musician, 中国人 Ben Plafker

Contributor, musician, 中国人 Ben Plafker


fashionable gabe

Video Editor Gabe Clermont, person to take three shots with, attend to supermodel parties with


Buck teeth

Contributor Alicia


Managing Editor, pregnant but eligible bachelor, Patrick Lozada

Managing Editor Patrick Lozada, pregnant but eligible bachelor



Contributor Marjorie Dodson, not an M&M (see: this commercial)



“…that’s the man who molested my kitten!”


Kitten molester: no wonder he's bad at relationships

Editor-in-Chief Anthony Tao


Maybe the app does better with objects?

glasses jukebox fork

Baidu Translate is either a wonderfully earnest answer to Google Goggles or a Kaiser Kuo prank gone horribly right.

Oh, and one of our male contributors did what you would inevitably do with this app. The result was “Black Mini Poodle” and “Syphilis.”

Got fun results of your own? Do share! Tweet them at us or send along the old-fashioned way.


Two via Sean Silbert:

Baidu Translate from Sean Silbert 2 Baidu Translate from Sean Silbert 1

This one via Twitter:

Via @emilyywu: “Yes both should be treated seriously religiously.”

UPDATE, 2/5, 6:08 pm: And now there’s a Tumblr. Our job is done.

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