Donnie Goes On Chinese TV, And It Gets Awkward

This video begins with the text: “After his video ‘Donnie Does Marriage Market’ went viral in China, Donald Mahoney was invited to Beijing to be a guest on the popular Chinese TV show: My Oscar.”

That’s quite the set-up. But Donnie struggles, privately, with a crisis of confidence — before finding himself amidst firecracker smoke. At the 10-minute mark, he goes on stage. It gets awkward real fast.

    5 Responses to “Donnie Goes On Chinese TV, And It Gets Awkward”

      • asdfg

        At the end it says they decided to cut his appearance from the final braodcast. Guess it’ll be some time before they decide to get another foreigner on.

      • michael

        No whites are allowed in the building? Sounds familiar hah. #Beijing

        Why does he bother speaking English to people. He’s been here about 3 years, doesn’t he get it? No one understands a word he’s saying~

        PS. Everything in this video looks F’n ghetto. Nice hotel.


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