False Advertisement? 54 Posters Of Scantily Clad Girls Removed From Changsha Sauna

Changsha sex girl sauna ad 1

Adapted with permission from Hug China.

A “bath and sauna center” in Changsha, capital of Hunan province, thought it was a good idea to use 54 large posters of sexy girls hanging from the outer wall of its five-story building to attract clients. (It was a good idea; more on that in a bit.)

Mingyuechi Washing and Bathing City said it is a fitness center with public showers, bath, spa, and sauna, and provides foot massages, but no prostitution services.

As a result, it had to remove the posters.

(Note: just kidding. It had to remove the posters because it’s 54 scantily clad women on the outer face of a huge building.)

Pictures of the “bathhouse” went viral on Chinese internet on Friday as major news portals joined in to publicize the “fitness center.” For the marketing department of the fitness center: mission accomplished.

“The posters are really shocking!” commented one netizen.

“The boss must be a powerful figure. Chengguan, do you know the bathing center?” commented another.

Shortly after pictures of the bathhouse spread online, chengguan stepped in and ordered all the sexy-girl pictures be removed.

Changsha sex girl sauna ad 5
Changsha sex girl sauna ad 2
Changsha sex girl sauna ad 3
Changsha sex girl sauna ad 4
Changsha sexy women removed

Changsha ‘bath & sauna center’ puts up 54 posters of scantily clad girls… (Hug China)

    2 Responses to “False Advertisement? 54 Posters Of Scantily Clad Girls Removed From Changsha Sauna”

    1. Chinese Netizen

      54 JAPANESE women… didn’t see the rabid nationalists getting their panties in a twist over this, huh?


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