Watch: Samaritans Team Up To Pull Three Students Out Of Frozen Lake

Around 3:20 pm on Sunday in Tangshan, Hebei province, a woman named Ms. Cheng was exercising in Nanhu Park when she saw some teenagers playing on a frozen lake. She and her exercise partner, Mr. Liu, were about 15 meters from the shore when the ice suddenly cracked, swallowing up the young revelers.

“I saw two guys and one girl playing on the ice, and suddenly the ice caved in,” said Ms. Cheng, as printed on the description of the Youku video below. “The first to fall in was the guy and girl, and then the other guy fell in too. All three of them were flapping about.”

Ms. Cheng and Mr. Liu immediately ran toward the three people and called 110.

“When other tourists saw us, they also ran toward us,” said Ms. Cheng.

Unable to wait for emergency personnel, Mr. Liu went into action, finding a wooden stick about two meters in length. He and others made their way onto the ice, extended the stick, and had the students grab on before pulling them to safety. The rescue took about 10 minutes.

“When the three were pulled out of the water, they couldn’t walk,” Ms. Cheng said. “I stopped a car to take them away.”

It’s understood that the students attend a high school in the city and have made full recoveries.

    One Response to “Watch: Samaritans Team Up To Pull Three Students Out Of Frozen Lake”

    1. David Fieldman

      God Bless Ms. Cheng and Mr. Liu for their unselfish response to the crisis. Also thanks must go to the unnamed students who also braved the uncertain condition of thin ice to assist in saving the three young people.
      These exemplary people should set an example for others in China to follow.
      Help your fellow citizen WITHOUT the risk of being held responsible for the crisis and WITHOUT being extorted!!! (Reference the unfortunate young man in Dongguang who committed suicide due to the avarice of the old Chinese man and his despicable wife who aided and abetted the scam after the young man assisted the old man after he fell, took him to hospital and even paid paid the hospital bill.) The old couple should be jailed for life and forced to pay the money they thought they could extort from their savior.


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