And Now, A Homemade, Scaled-Down Liaoning Aircraft Carrier

Miniature Liaoning aircraft carrier 3

Adapted with permission from Hug China.

Compared to conventional present requests for chocolates, mountain bikes, red envelops stuffed with money, or even miniature Lamborghinis, this one seems the hardest to fulfill: last Spring Holiday, a boy in Qingdao, Shandong province asked his grandfather for a model Liaoning Aircraft Carrier.

Eighty-year-old Wen Yuzhu however, was nonplussed. He spent a month building a miniature aircraft carrier that is 1/25th the size of the real Liaoning, China’s first aircraft carrier. Wen’s model can’t fight in a real battle of course, but it’s by far bigger than anything in the toy store.

Wen told reporters that the model, currently parked on a Qingdao beach, will be finished by the next rising tide.

World’s best grandpa builds this miniature Liaoning aircraft carrier (Hug China) (Images via Netease)

Miniature Liaoning aircraft carrier
Miniature Liaoning aircraft carrier 2

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