Compare Pollution Across China With “Real-Time Air Quality Index” Map

Air Pollution in Asia Real Time Map

Think pollution in Beijing’s bad? At least you’re not in Yinchuan, where the air quality index is currently at 999.

How do we know this? It’s thanks to a brilliant little website called Air Pollution in China (big hat tip to Josh Dyer), which utilizes a “Real-time Air Quality Index Visual Map” that puts Google Map pins on Chinese cities that register AQI readings. The numbers, though sometimes hard to read (there are a lot of overlapping pins), are color-coded to give you a general sense of which areas are blanketed in pollution and which are not. Green is safe and maroon is hazardous.

Air Pollution in Asia Real Time Map - China zoomed in

This website isn’t new — the first post on its FAQ is dated January 11, 2013, and there’s an Android app available for download — but it’s worth mentioning again here. Remember, all data is presented in real-time (to the best of the technology’s ability).

Play around with it. You can also check out the relative pollution levels of cities in other countries…

UK air pollution

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