Laowai Comics: A Black Guy, A Chinese Guy And A White Guy Walk Into A Bar…

Laowai Comics

Laowai Comics is a biweekly webcomic. Beijing Cream is proud to debut its Thursday comic every week. Full archives here.

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    39 Responses to “Laowai Comics: A Black Guy, A Chinese Guy And A White Guy Walk Into A Bar…”

      • sunshanmu

        seriously, you don’t get it? what’s not to get. Dude seriously how long have you been here. Do you speak any chinese at all? In addition there is still and illustration. You must be pretty dumb, or just like insulting and belittling others, for you not to get that. Hei means black, it’s a pun, so the chinese guy said huan, it means yellow, the other guy said bai which means white, it also sounds like bye, hence the waive goodbye. If you don’t get that now, dude then u should first get a sense a humor, get it. hahaha…

        • sunshanmu

          not huang i made a mistake. anyway. narsfweasels explained it way better than i did. I was laughing too hard. hahahaha

    1. narsfweasels

      Oh, I get it “Hei” as in “hey”, “yellow” as in a mangling of “hello” and “bai” as in “bye”.


      • Arnold

        Thanks a lot for explaining it. As I don’t read Chinese, If you hadn’t, I may have assumed this week’s effort was funny. I would have been wrong of course. What’s with that, anyway? Assuming readers of an English language site can understand Chinese characters?

        • Jay

          If you’re on this site, you’re either interested in China, or have spent time in China.

          Either way, most likely you can read and understand the extremely simple characters – they’d be covered in any basic course of language study. Most likely within the first few weeks.

          • Alastair

            Thanks for that. Helpful, but I just tried reading it again and I still can’t understand Chinese characters. I’m off to ask my friend who has an interest in planes if he can fly now. He’d better be able to or I shall be most upset with him.

            • bag o dicks

              Calm down Dashan. If you the hanzi comes as easy to you as the sarky sarky you should have the basics down pat in a couple of hours.

              谢谢! (note for all the non-Chinese readers: that means “thank you”)

          • Claus Rasmussen

            Thanks to narsfweasels for explaining the joke.

            >> most likely you can read and understand the extremely simple characters

            I managed to look up “black” and “white” on the internet but it didn’t help. Without explanation it is an inside joke for experts in Chinese

      • Chinese Netizen

        No, the joke is LCG drew the black guy in the prototypical “Mandingo” slave-looking black man style with large, squashed nose, flaring nostrils and huge, JayZ lips.

      • Jay

        Each says a greeting – and each greeting happens to correspond with their skin color. It’s only funny if you understand both languages, and even then it’s only a little amusing.

        • MrT

          Well the plot-twist is the white guy walks into the bar and says goodbye, because white guys in China don’t hang out with black guys and Chinese guys in bars speaking Chinese. They go home and complain on the internet about comics.

      • A box of foxes cocks

        Tomorrow evening I’ll stick my Will & Grace box set on the DVD, tuck into a small can of dolphin-friendly tuna and then crank myself to sleep. Saturday I’ll do the same, but after watching Friends. Living the dream. Just living the dream. How about you? Watcha got planned?

        • bag o dicks

          Honestly, I probably shouldn’t plan a mad one after burning through so much cash recently.

          Unless any of the LC comments gang are willing to shout me a few brews, that is…

          • Alastair

            LCG should arrange a get together for all of his readers. Give a little back. He could explain some of his work and people like me could give valuable feedback afterwards. If done over free booze and salty snacks, I would attend. I would probably go on to tell him that I admire his work and have a nice chat with him. I would then go to the toilet and write on the wall ‘LCG is an unfunny twat’.

            • LCG

              Good idea! How about next Thursday? Because the guy who publishes his little comics for fun and for free on a website totally owes the laolosing trollish butthurt commenters, as you mention. Especially if they’re too much of a bunch of leeches to afford Chinese beer and cheap-ass snacks.

            • Jonathan Alpart

              This is awesome. LCG should bring gifts for everyone, too. In addition, he should bring a notebook so he can write down all your brilliant suggestions. If possible, could everyone draw up their own comic so LCG can see how it should be done? That would be great.

            • Alastair

              You could knock out some merchandise too. Sell t-shirts with the funniest bits of the comic on them. Of course you’d first need to ask for permission from those who had commented before reproducing their words, but could be a nice little earner. Just a thought.

      • LCG

        I will go to a bar tomorrow, and on Saturday I might go on a long bike ride, the weather’s getting nicer. And spend a bit of time on Sunday drinking tea, listening to music and drawing new comics, for you, my faithful die-hard fans.

        • Arnold

          I think we’ve established that your life is great, healthy and integrated with local ways. That’s what gives you the right to raise a whimsical, quizzical eyebrow and trash the Chinese at every turn. And foreigners that aren’t as integrated as you. You can do that. You’re allowed, because you’re cool.

    2. Wuxi guy

      You don’t need to be able to read Chinese characters to get it. All you need to do (if you’re an expat in China) is speak a little Mandarin, and the second caption “Yellow” will give the other two away. It’s not good, a bit witty, very stereotypical, but definitely not rocket science.

    3. Laowaied

      Hahaha, I think it’s great.
      What’s everyone getting upset for? It’s a joke, a comic, it’s humorous.

      Reminds of the joke about why there are so many Chinese people living in North London. They get off the plane and into a cab. and say to the driver ‘harrow’ …

    4. Shuang

      People commenting here are critics, not trolls. If you go to a restaurant and criticise the wine or food, it doesn’t make you a troll. I’ve been to comedy shows when the hecklers have been funnier than the main act. They weren’t trolls either. They made the night. I come here for the comments, not the comic.


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