The Creamcast, Ep.13: Blogging China Panel At Bookworm Literary Festival

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Blogging China was a March 18 Bookworm Literary Festival panel discussion moderated by Anthony Tao and featuring Jeremy Goldkorn (Danwei), Alec Ash (the Anthill), Mia Li (Sinosphere), and Tao Stein (WeChat: 石涛讲故事 / shitaojianggushi). In front of a full house, we talked about the characteristics of bloggers (journalists without credentials? writers without agents? mavens without business plans?), the purpose of blogs, particularly in relation with traditional media, censorship, curation / aggregation, Sina Weibo, and whether WeChat is the future of blogging — among many other topics.

Special thanks to literary festival organizer Tom Baxter and Bookworm GM Peter Goff.

Download Episode 13 of The Creamcast here, or listen to it on iTunes.

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