A Taste Of Britain: Spoofing “A Bite Of China,” And Britain

“Just like China, meats and fish are popular in Britain,” begins this video called “A Taste of Britain” by CRI’s Stuart Hemsley Wiggin (of C4 fame) and Wu Tong. “But in order to make that meat and fish taste extra special, it has to be complemented by other ingredients. Britain only has one such ingredient.” Can you guess what it is?

Watch on for some mouth-watering shots of potatoes.

CCTV’s A Bite of China, by the way, is the most popular documentary in this country. Hemsley Wiggin and Wu’s video has drawn more than 100,000 Youku views in one day. Maybe people here just really love food, potatoes included?

UPDATE, 5/19, 10:41 pm: Stuart Wiggin with some words, many of which promoting the show C4:

I freely admit that I struggle to reel off more than a few dishes when confronted with questions such as what do British people eat, as does my co-host Rob Hemsley. I assume the truth is that we Brits are just not very good at explaining things. However, the sketch wasn’t really intended to provoke Chinese people to learn more about British cuisine; that’s what Gordon Ramsay is for. Instead, as always, the C4 team, led by our producer Wu Tong, is simply trying to show people that even state media organizations within China, or at the very least CRIENGLISH.com, have a sense of humor.

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