Anyone Want To Watch Women In Childbirth?

Childbirth reality TV show

There was a Dutch website called Beautiful Agony that asked people to upload videos of their orgasm face as a “multimedia experiment.” This was done in the name of art. There was a video we watched in high school biology of a live childbirth, PBS Nova’s The Miracle of Life. This was done in the name of science. Now there’s a reality show on Shenzhen Television, “Laiba Haizi” (Come On, Child), that shows the faces of women in labor. This is done in the name of…


Journalism professor Wang Zhenjun said the show is a good attempt as it stresses the greatness of a mother’s love…

That’s from, which also reports:

The one-hour show, “Come on, my baby,” debuted on China’s Shenzhen Television on the eve of Mother’s Day. Some people praised it as an ode to mothers who suffer to give birth to their children. While others, after watching the women in labor pains, said the show is disturbing and might be an invasion of privacy.

The show records the process of three women’s childbirths. Sixty-four cameras are installed in operating rooms, patient rooms and rest areas of Red House Hospital, the busiest women’s hospital in Shanghai.

Are you willing to watch?

What the cameras also capture are bloody and painful pictures of women in agony, close-ups of their facial expressions, screams and wails.

I’ll take The Real Housewives of Miami instead, please.

Other netizens were apparently horrified as well. China Daily:

Netizens expressed horror online.

“It was terrifying to see the mother’s tummy cut in a second during the C-section. …Can I say I do not want to give birth? I was so scared that I cried,” a netizen called Xu Xiaoguai’s Happy Time wrote on her micro blog on Friday night.

Better than forced abortions, at least. Population control advocates may have found their best tool.

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