The Creamcast, Ep.14: Writers And Rum

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On April 16, Alec Ash of the Anthill gathered eight writers (technically nine) to read stories at Cu Ju, a rum bar in the hutongs owned by the somewhat legendary Badr Benjelloun, who paired each writer with a rum. The result was glorious. Alec graciously allowed us to record the entirety of that event, which we now present to you as an episode of The Creamcast.

The audio has been edited to remove Badr’s rum introductions. (Update: per request, the unedited version is here.) Below is a table of contents for those who want to skip to specific writers.

6-min mark: Anthony Tao poem, “Broken Scotch

10-min: Steven Schwankert on the British navy and rum

20:30: Nick Compton, “Baijiu, Baby

28-min: Hannah Lincoln non-fiction about teenage love

34:30: Carlos Ottery, “Big in Beijing

Alec Ash’s “Drinking Alone” about his London days was written specially for the night and has been kept out of the podcast by request.

43:30: Stephen Nashef, a creative translation of a Li Bai poem, “Let’s Drink!

48-min: Amy Daml, “Peng

56-min: Tom Pellman, selections from The Trip to Echo Spring: Why Writers Drink

Writers and Rum - the rums

Download Episode 14 of The Creamcast here, or listen to it on iTunes.

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