It’s Going To Hail Every Second Tuesday Of June In Beijing, Isn’t It?

Beijing rain and hail 2014

Here’s an email we just received from reader Ernie French:

hey Tao, any news on this?

It hailed last year june 11th, 2013

yesterday, it hailed for a moment (at dzm, at least) during that sudden, torrential storm.

coincidence? I think not.  Are they re-using the cloud seeding schedule? Or is it that they always seed after the gaokao ends?


Here’s what I wrote last year, the second Tuesday of June, when this city last saw hail.

In exactly 364 days, I’ll be sure my Beijing windows are closed.

(Because the water that sliced through picked up all the dirt and debris on the mesh windows and turned my tabletop black.)

(Image by Hannah Lincoln)

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