Watch This Dirty, Dirty Foul On Stephon Marbury, Followed By Some Shithead Telling Him, “Fuck You”

Youku video for those in China after the jump. [UPDATE, 3/23: Did Youku just censor my video? Embedded below is now the video on][UPDATE 2: Well fuck, and Tudou have rejected my video as well. Hang on while I find a host that doesn't employ censors bored as shit and behaving like craven cunts.][UPDATE to the rescue.]

The announcers were all over this one. “This was obvious… he had the intent of hurting him,” one said. The other added, “I think Zhou Peng, as a national-team player, shouldn’t be that type of character. No matter how hard the teams compete and battle, you have to respect the opponent, you can’t be trying to intentionally hurt the opponent.”

So Guangdong and its squad full of national team players acknowledged their error, right? Cooler heads prevailed?

If only they had that type of character — suzhi, a Chinese word to differentiate those who are not shitheads and those who are. Stephon Marbury began exchanging words with Zhou Peng’s teammate, Su Wei, when Su seemed to say (to this amateur lip reader), “You bitch.” If those words weren’t clear, his follow-up certainly was:

“Fuck you.” Roll of eyes, a capon’s grin. “Fuck you.”

Marbury made 2 of 3 to extend Beijing’s lead to 22, but the refs — who were Canadian — apparently had whistled a double-technical, so Zhou Peng – of all people — stepped to the line on the other end. The announcers expressed confusion. Zhou hit both free throws, keeping his arms up after each make, posing like a ne’er-do-well. Oh well done, sir! Gifted free throws after maliciously knocking down the other team’s best player, you still have the face to flaunt your straw man’s arrogance, too big for your britches. Fucking asshole.

Guangdong eventually cut Beijing’s lead to 3 late in the game, but the Ducks would hold on to take Game 1 in the best-of-seven series, 108-101.

The censored Youku video:

    12 Responses to “Watch This Dirty, Dirty Foul On Stephon Marbury, Followed By Some Shithead Telling Him, “Fuck You””

    1. CT

      Wasn’t a smart idea, guys from NYC who grow up playing street ball thrive off of this stuff. I remember playing with a couple guys who were pretty good players, but after beefing they would just light it up.


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