Ever Wonder What Kind Of Pictures Are In A Chinese Gangster’s Phone?

Wonder no more. Via Reddit (h/t E), here is a gallery of pictures (excerpted after the jump) supposedly from a “Chinese gangsters phone” [sic]. The images are timestamped August 2010, and according to Reddit’s eagle-eyed commenters, one of the cars has a Tianjin license plate. We don’t know anything else.

The main character appears to be a 20- or 30-something man with a belly that I can only imagine makes the sound of swishing water in a plastic container when drummed. He loves his car, his money, and his dog. Really, what else could be necessary to make a man happy? If it weren’t for the pictures of his buddies beating up that other guy and stepping on his throat, this well-tatted gangster could almost be described as… endearing. I see a twinkle in his eye.

Oh wait. It’s a death twinkle.

    2 Responses to “Ever Wonder What Kind Of Pictures Are In A Chinese Gangster’s Phone?”

      • The Tao

        Let no one in the blogosphere forget the reason this is going viral, E. It was because of you. As seen here on BJC first. Credit to a certain Reddit commenter, of course.


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