Top-of-the-Week Links: Foxconn workers demand more overtime, “Luoguxiang” is now a thing [UPDATE: not really], and Heywood feared for his life?

Via chinaSMACK

It’s the weekend, technically, due to Qingming Festival falling on Wednesday. End-of-Week Links, then.

Foxconn employees complain complain about Fair Labor Association guidelines that force them to work less. “‘A lot of us are unhappy with this,’ Chen Yamei, a 25-year-old Foxconn worker told Reuters. ‘We think that 60 hours of overtime a month would be reasonable and that 36 hours would be too little.’ Another Foxconn employee, 23-year-old Wu, said, ‘We are worried we will have less money to spend. Of course, if we work less overtime, it would mean less money.’” [Wired]

This certainly adds intrigue. “The text message on the mobile phone screen was to the point: ‘Neil Heywood was killed.’” [The Telegraph]

Stan Abrams tees off on the Washington Post: “But the WaPo editorial board wants to take that further, adopting a very black and white view of the China Model debate. Hmm. Black and white view – smells like neoconservatism. In their eyes, you either take the American model or the China model; either laissez faire capitalism (which doesn’t really exist in the U.S.) or Marxism (which hasn’t existed in China for a long time). There is no in-between, there is no possibility of finding some good aspects of the China system and applying that elsewhere. // The comparison to Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union was all I needed to know. The WaPo folks see China as it was in the late 1960s, and reality is beside the point.” [China Hearsay]

Dan Harris has quite the “rent a laowai” story. It involves Wen Jiabao. “I ended up giving a 10 minute pitch, mostly making it up as I went along and sitting opposite Premier Wen for another hour of Q&A. // Do I feel guilty for this blatant dishonesty? Not one bit. This was not about me. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time.” [China Law Blog]

Tencent employee caught hacking. “A breach of computers belonging to companies in Japan and India and to Tibetan activists has been linked to a former graduate student at a Chinese university — putting a face on the persistent espionage by Chinese hackers against foreign companies and groups.” [NY Times]

Huh. “A young female customer from Ningbo city, northeast of Zhejiang province, sent her iPhone to an Apple franchise store for repairing. The naughty repairman has recovered all her deleted naked photos while fixing the phone.” [MIC Gadget]

How to access Facebook photos in China. “Now a startup, FamilyLeaf, has found a break in the Great Firewall — allowing Chinese families to get a glimpse at the Facebook photos of their loved ones.” [Mashable]

Your Chinese gymnasts musical montage interlude:


More Asian Americans marrying within their race (not my words – it’s the New York Times’ URL). [NYT]

Nanluoguxiang and Beiluoguxiang merging into “Luoguxiang.” [the Beijinger] [UPDATE: An April Troll Day joke]

Tricia Wang talks with female massage worker in Changsha. [Bytes of China]

    2 Responses to “Top-of-the-Week Links: Foxconn workers demand more overtime, “Luoguxiang” is now a thing [UPDATE: not really], and Heywood feared for his life?”

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