Yang Rui’s “Dialogue” Feminized A Male Guest’s Name On Last Night’s Show, Continued To Be Crappy

Last night’s Dialogue, embedded after the jump, was about the NATO Summit in Chicago. The two foreign guests were Einar Tangen (“Biz Times columnist & author” [Biz Times is a business paper in Milwaukee]) and Francesco Sisci, Sole 24 Ore columnist.

They misspelled Mr. Sisci’s name.

Maybe it’s time to lighten up on the chaps who produce Dialogue, the comically unwatchable show on CCTV… including Yang Rui. Because if they can’t even get a man’s name right — this is the difference between Francesco and Francesca, by the way:

– what hope do they have in the arena of public opinion?

Oh, and Dialogue is seeking news editors. Don’t fret about the “minimum of 10 years experience working in the media industry” requirement. If you think you’re able to correctly spell a dude’s name, you just might be qualified.

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