As announced yesterday, the BJC Bar and Club Awards party will be this Saturday at 11 pm at Sanlitun Kro’s Nest. Say you’re there for Beijing Cream and all drinks will be buy two, get one free. The theme will be HUNGER GAMES.
Today, we’ve invited the sartorially keen Kevin Reitz to explain what to wear. I don’t think he got the memo about the theme being HUNGER GAMES, but that’s okay. Trust this man.
By Kevin Reitz
Fedora. RMB 0-25. Yashow/Your Closet
Who hasn’t already purchased a half-dozen of these for random parties? Just wear one — I’m sure it’s still clean from the last time.
I BJ shirt. RMB 59. Yashow
Make a clear statement in this classy yet blunt shirt. For free shots from Tao all night, transform the BJ into “BJC.”
Ray Bon sunglasses. RMB 29. Yashow
Nothing says “You know what? I’m probably just gonna forget these in a cab next week anyway, why spend more than $5?” better than a nice, cheap pair of sunnies. If you go to the lady vendors at the very top of the escalator, don’t let them charge you more than 30 yuan, though I always pay 25 — even less when I’m wearing a fedora.
Dark jeans. RMB 89. Yashow
Get some dark jeans. Maybe a blue or, like, a dark gray? I dunno, jeans in China are weird unless you actually have a Chinese butt. And make sure you pull them up over your bellybutton. That’s what all the youngsters are doing now.
Crocs loafers. Price RMB 39. Yashow
Let’s face it, there’s a reason why even old Chinese ladies are wearing these now. They are cheap, comfortable, good looking, and they last forever. Get some.
Kevin is an Ultimate Frisbee player and drummer in Beijing. Here is his blog, and here he is again as Hulk Hogan:

My wife wants to see the BJC ladies edition . . . .actually, I do.
lots of changing of clothing for some people this weekend, i sense