Above Dico’s In Henan, 20 Minutes Of Free Porn For All

Here’s a fun way to troll an entire city. In a country that forbids pornography, why not hook your laptop to an outdoor big screen and stream porn during evening rush hour? That’s exactly what one man did in Pingdingshan, Henan province on Tuesday, in what might be the greatest public prank China will see all year. Although… there is six months left. You’ve been called out, people — try to top this.

Do note, however, that there are consequences. As announced on Pingdingshan police’s Weibo, the man who pulled this stunt received 15 days of detention. Totally worth it.

Youku video for those in China after the jump, plus lightly censored photos and a one-minute Chinese news report. (H/T Alicia)

The newscast:

At one point in this video, a woman tells the man who is filming, “Let’s stop watching.” He merely chuckles:

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