Another Young Child Gets Head Caught Between Railings Before Getting Rescued

It was only last Sunday that a kid in Guangdong province wandered onto his balcony and fell through a crack, and might have plummeted to serious injury if not for a Good Samaritan who climbed out of his window to help.

Two days ago, the exact same thing appears to have happened in Guangxi province. Once again, a young boy falls through a railing — this time from a window — and would have slipped through if not for his head getting get pinned between the bars. (Good on the manufacturers of these railings, by the way, to make them just narrow enough so that a toddler can’t pass through.) A 50-some-year-old man surnamed Chen climbed outside and, to loud gasps from onlookers, freed the boy from his predicament. Afterwards, people discovered that no one was home, and that the door to the apartment was locked.

The mother, interviewed with the child at a hospital, said she got complacent when she saw her boy asleep, and went outside to buy some groceries. That mistake, she said, will never happen again. Ku6 video for those in China after the jump. (H/T Alicia)

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