People Continue To Rescue Toddlers Stuck In High Places

Adults continue to be unable to resist doing noble things for young children in need. Danwei noted yesterday a story that made the front page of Today Morning News: on Monday evening, a man surnamed Liu heard the cries of a young boy outside. He then…

…saw the boy dangling from a third-floor window of the apartment building opposite his, about to fall. He bolted down 6 flights of stairs and scaled the other building to where the boy was stuck. Clinging to the outside of the building, with one foot on the second-floor anti-theft grate, he managed to support the boy’s body with one hand for 20 minutes until firefighters arrived to cut the iron railing and free the boy. The child was saved, and Xiao Liu became a local hero overnight.

One line in particular that he told journalists — “When you see other people in trouble, it’s normal to help them” — has netizens swooning. What a concept!

We’ll mark this one down as favorable outcome. The last incident involving a baby and a balcony, unfortunately, did not end so well. 

Also see:

June 3, Guangdong province: 4-year-old stuck on 4th-story balcony

June 8, Guangxi autonomous region: 4-year-old stuck between 4th-story guard railings

June 11, Guangdong province: 2-year-old stuck between 7th-story guard railings

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