“Foreigner Chengguan” Participate In Transparent Public Relations Stunt

I don’t know that this is strictly a public relations stunt, but I’d be willing to bet a lot of money that at least one of the scenes in the above newscast is staged. In case you missed this story, which I linked to in Monday’s links post, an urban management bureau in Hefei, Anhui province has taken to hiring foreigners to do street enforcement. There are three of them, from Central African Republic, Afghanistan and South Africa, and you can check them out “in action” via Global Times.

I’ve said about all I want to about foreigners dressing up as chengguan. If you’d like to learn more about China’s urban management officers, do a search on Youku or YouTube, or Weibo, or Google. You’re not going to like what you see, but maybe you can put on some blinders like the three young foreign gentlemen in Hefei.

(H/T Alicia) Apologies to those with VPNs or outside China; no YouTube video available… yet.

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