“Most Beautiful 90s-Generation Rail Cop” Loses Legs Trying To Prevent Suicide

Why is it always the good ones who suffer the misfortune? Last Monday evening at Changli Station in Hebei province, 20-year-old Li Boya, just a railway marshal trainee, saw a man jump onto the tracks in front of an oncoming train. Li went in after the man, but it was too late: both got hit, and severely injured.

Most news outlets only make cursory mentions of the suicide (the man survived, but is in critical condition, we think), but Li Boya, who had one leg severed by the train (graphic image in above video) and the other leg amputated at the hospital, has been the focus since this story broke on Saturday. People are calling him the “most beautiful/handsome 90s-generation rail cop,” a well-deserved appellation. He’s in stable condition at a hospital at Qinhuangdao, Hebei.

On Friday, the railway department in Beijing rewarded Li 200,000 yuan, and said there’ll be a job waiting for him after the graduates should he want it.

The above video is edited from the following two Youku videos, which have 470,000 and 626,000 views, respectively.

(H/T Alicia)

    2 Responses to ““Most Beautiful 90s-Generation Rail Cop” Loses Legs Trying To Prevent Suicide”

    1. name

      arrimortacci, ma quello se sta a suicida’, ma che lo aiuti a fare? mo quello sta a mori’ nei dolori quanto invece poteva mori’ in santa pace, tu puri soffri come un cane e pure una gamba hai perso…. aiha … te se bello ma te se pure un po’ scemo, ah boya mio…


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