Riot Police And Protestors Clash In Shifang, Sichuan Province [UPDATE]

In Shifang, Sichuan province, hundreds, possibly thousands of people have taken to the street to protest a molybdenum cooper project (run by HTC?) that people fear will be harmful to their environment and health. Netizens on Weibo are currently discussing the incident as it relates to riot police skirmishing with residents and setting off tear gas in the middle of a huge crowd, which they say was unnecessary. Also, several pictures have emerged, which appear after the jump (the videos currently available don’t show much, like this one).

There’s scant information currently, but updates will be posted below when they become available.

UPDATE, 7/3, 11:42 am: More information: Videos have emerged; meanwhile, the Associated Press reports that the project has been postponed “while authorities dispatch teams to educate citizens about it.” No word yet on the exact size of the protest or injuries.

According to Weibo user Tinaa娜娜, a high school student was hurt. She posted these pictures:

(H/T Right Now I/O Feed)

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