Watch: Uncut Version Of Good Samaritans Fighting Off Guizhou Knife-Wielder

Yesterday, we posted about a pair of security guards who died while fighting off a mentally unstable man who charged into Guizhou Normal University brandishing a 70-centimeter knife. In our embedded video, a newscast via Sina, there was a clip taken by someone in a car showing a security guard getting stabbed. That part prompted someone to reply on Twitter, “How can a human being sit in a car and film w/o helping? Especially while he watched three people get stabbed. Unbelievable.”

Well, it turns out the full two-minute video has since appeared on Youku, and in about 24 hours has been viewed 1.8 million times. There’s a small bit of good news: I failed to notice this before, but the guard who gets stabbed close to the camera only sustains minor injuries. He’s actually able to pick himself up and continue going after the assailant, after the dude gets rocked in the back by a flying kick. Youku video for those in China after the jump.

    3 Responses to “Watch: Uncut Version Of Good Samaritans Fighting Off Guizhou Knife-Wielder”

    1. Ander

      “How can a human being sit in a car and film w/o helping? Especially while he watched three people get stabbed. Unbelievable.”

      Such a stupid statement without knowing all the facts.


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