Too Good To Be True? Watch This Supposed Four-Year-Old On The Piano

UPDATE, 9/11, 12:14 pm: I’ve switched the embed to the original video; the pianist is Andy Lee from Hong Kong, and he’s apparently five years old.

The website Godvine got itself a viral video recently, called “4 Year Old Boy Plays Piano Better Than Any Master – Wow,” but left no information about it. Can you blame anyone for being a bit a skeptical? But this looks real to our eyes. Maybe the boy is actually older than four, but we’d just be nitpicking there. If he’s playing even half those keys, I daresay he has a promising career in music in front of him. Alicia, who found this on Facebook, tells us that the father says at the very beginning in Cantonese, “Play it again…” Youku video for those in China after the jump.

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