Everything You Want To Know About Gangnam Style In China

Resident Sina Weibo expert Liz Carter of Tea Lea Nation has been — for some mysterious reason that we should not question — tweeting Gangnam Style statistics in the last hour, we can only imagine furiously.

In the following tripartite of infograph tweets, we learn that:

1. All things considered, China was quite slow to grasp PSY’s Gangnam phenomenon. You’ll remember that we posted the music video in July, when its YouTube view count was still in the low seven digits. But searches of “Gangnam style” on Sina Weibo didn’t take off until mid-September.

2. Unsurprisingly, Guangdong province, with its massive cities that attract hordes of hip urban youth, saw the most searches. Shanghai and Beijing are Nos. 2 and 3, with Jiangsu province lagging behind at a relatively distant fourth.

3. Women prefer Gangnam significantly more than men (59.1 percent to 40.9 percent). Strangely, Scorpios (October 23 – November 22) like it most, while Aries (March 21 – April 19) like it least. It’s not strange because of the Scorpio/Aries thing, but the margin (unless I’m misreading what the piechart sizes represent).

All this is fine and dandy, but it leaves us with just one question: forget ball kids; when’s Wen Jiabao gonna break out his invisible horse?

Stats were compiled by looking at searches for “Gangnam Style” (Chinese: 江南style). Hopefully Liz can enlighten us further in regards to methodology.

    6 Responses to “Everything You Want To Know About Gangnam Style In China”

    1. Liz

      Statistics via Weizhishu (微指数) feature on Weibo. You can see the link to the data here: http://i.imgur.com/nFQS5.jpg

      Theoretically they have this info and graphs for all “hot” terms. I say theoretically because they are not available for things like “Bo Xilai.”

      Also I am an Aries and I love Gangnam Style.


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