Two More Instances Of Kindergarten Abuse: Needle-Jabbing As Punishment And Horrific Sexual Abuse [UPDATE]

When it rains, it pours. Following revelations of child abuse by this terrible kindergarten teacher, who took hundreds of pictures of herself tormenting her students, and this kindergarten teacher, who was caught on tape slapping kids, and this kindergarten teacher, who nearly killed a child by flinging her to the ground, we have two more cases of abuse to report.

First, the slightly less shocking of the two: in Shandong province recently, a child reportedly told his parents to leave the lights on at night so that his teacher doesn’t jab him with a needle. If that seems like an irrational fear for a child to have, you’ll be disconcerted to learn that it’s not just a nightmare: his teacher actually abuses him by jabbing him with a needle. The teacher has been using this punitive measure for as long as three years, and on multiple children. A parent says in the newscast that the needle was the teacher’s go-to punishment, which is very disturbing.

The second case is much more worse. Via Guangzhou Daily, translated by The Nanfang, you may want to prepare yourself for this:

Yesterday, Guangzhou Daily reported that a 3 year-old girl identified as Keke had been sexually abused by her 61 year-old teacher. See correction below

On Oct. 25, Keke’s mother was bathing her when the toddler said the lower part of her body was in severe pain. It was later discovered that her teacher had sexually abused her. He was arrested by police in Haizhu District and later confessed to taking the girl into a toilet cubicle and committing obscene acts.

Three years old. Goddamnit, humans.

UPDATE, 2:41 am: It wasn’t her teacher, but a doorkeeper. According to China Daily:

He was dismissed shortly after the girl’s parents reported the alleged harassment to the kindergarten, Liu said.

The girl, aged 2 years, 11 months, told her parents of the incident, which happened when she was taking a shower, according to the Guangzhou-based Southern Metropolis Daily.

The girl’s parents and her uncle went to the kindergarten and got in a fight with the doorkeeper after watching a surveillance video provided by the kindergarten.

“My daughter now doesn’t dare go to the kindergarten. She is too frightened and always wakes up at night,” her father said.

Here’s the Youku video of the top newscast:

    3 Responses to “Two More Instances Of Kindergarten Abuse: Needle-Jabbing As Punishment And Horrific Sexual Abuse [UPDATE]”

    1. D

      Come on. The girl was asking for it. You know how those toddlers are, always walking around in their little yellow hats and assless pants…


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