Sickening: Truck Driver Intentionally Runs Over Traffic Cop At Toll Booth

An appalling story to report from Hunan. On Tuesday at around 1 pm, a 24-year-old traffic cop named Li Xiaofeng made what appeared to be a routine stop at a toll booth of a truck that he suspected was overweight. He put himself in front of the truck, but the driver wouldn’t stop. When a second officer approached, the driver actually sped up, and 10 meters later, Li stumbled and rolled underneath the truck’s front left wheel.

The driver, Wang Kun, tried to flee, but he was intercepted by cops about four kilometers from the toll booth. He is currently in detention as police investigate the case. I feel pretty OK saying the Chinese justice system can do with this guy whatever it wants.

Li did not survive his injuries. According to a Shenzhen TV station, Li’s girlfriend wrote on a microblog, “In the next life, let me be your lover as before, all my life.” Youku video for those in China after the jump.

    6 Responses to “Sickening: Truck Driver Intentionally Runs Over Traffic Cop At Toll Booth”

    1. James

      If they had a 1 meter section of spike strip right there at the toll gate, the guard could just flop it down on one side of the toll gate and he wouldn’t have to stand in front of the truck.

      Many of those truck drivers are not getting enough sleep, they’re irritable, they’re driving trucks overloaded by the factory, and they’ll lose money or even lose their job for being caught.

      But almost all of them would be smart enough not to destroy their tires by driving over a spike strip.

      • Martyn

        I hope that wasn’t some sort of justification. Smart enough to avoid spikes but not to run over someone who is simply carrying out his job(who may have also been not getting enough sleep, irritable, or even worry about losing their job for being caught not doing it!)

          • RFH

            I think @James is suggesting that the use of ‘Stinger’ strips might prevent tragic and avoidable confrontations such as this in the future


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