Here’s One TV News Station’s Unfortunate Computer Rendering Of Yesterday’s Yunnan Landslides

Yiliang county, Yunnan province was hit by massive landslides yesterday that buried 19 people, including 18 children, and killed at least 10. A TV news show on Shanghai-based Dragon TV, amid an informative segment about the where/what/when of the matter, plopped in a rather… distracting depiction of the landslide. Take a gander for yourself.

Yes, it does look like the forest took a massive dump on a poor village. And yes, as a metaphor, it is good.

Original Youku video of the Dragon TV segment here:

    2 Responses to “Here’s One TV News Station’s Unfortunate Computer Rendering Of Yesterday’s Yunnan Landslides”

    1. bert

      Is that a mountain in the background, and is it really at a 90 degree angle to the plain that the village/school was located? Looks weird.


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