Activists Put On Oversized Xi Jinping Head And Dance For Tibetan Independence

You’ve probably already guessed that the dance is Gangnam Style. Like this one, it features bulls.

Via International Tibet Network and Students for a Free Tibet:

On the eve of the CCP’s 18th Party Congress, Students for a Free Tibet and the International Tibet Network release a parody video titled “Tibetans challenge Xi Jinping – Gangnam Style.” A takeoff of Korean star Psy’s uber-popular Gangnam Style, the video features China’s heir apparent as a dimwit — a big-headed oaf whose only response to Tibetans’ growing resistance is to arrest, beat and torture protestors. But Xi — like the four generations of undemocratic CCP heads before him — cannot stop Tibetans who are moving beyond fear and challenging the very foundations of Chinese rule in Tibet. Ultimately, the joke is on Xi Jinping, the soon to be leader of the unfree world and a remnant of authoritarian rulers of the past. Xi: Resolve the Tibet crisis now or Tibet will soon become your biggest headache.

Still better than Ai Weiwei’s rendition.

    2 Responses to “Activists Put On Oversized Xi Jinping Head And Dance For Tibetan Independence”

    1. Dechen

      Very,very smart thinking.My young coworkers thought it was funny yet, very clever way to inform less interested people in Tibetan issue.Actors of all age groups have done an excellent job.Thank you!


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