Another School Attack: 23-Year-Old Anhui Student Murders Classmate With Hatchet

Ax murder Anhui

Details are sparse, but around 7:45 am today, according to Xinhua, a student surnamed Hu killed a classmate, surnamed Tan, on the sixth-floor library of Anhui Medical University.

Another article speculates that the incident was instigated by either a dispute over a seat or an “emotional dispute.” According to one eyewitness, Hu and Tan had chatted many times before about a certain girl, who later sought out Tan.

Before the attack, Hu and Tan engaged in a verbal confrontation. Hu then picked up a fire-fighting hatchet and, despite pleas from those nearby, hacked Tan to death.

Both the attacker and victim were 23-year-old seniors at the Hefei, Anhui province university. Hu was a clinical medicine major, while Tan majored in biomedical engineering.

Hu has been detained by police, and the situation is being investigated.

UPDATE, 12:43 pm:

    4 Responses to “Another School Attack: 23-Year-Old Anhui Student Murders Classmate With Hatchet”

    1. KopyKatKiller

      As my colleague told me after the latest US school shootings, “China is very safe. We don’t have guns.”

      Not sure about the “very safe” part of it, but I thank Allah every day that the Chinese do not have guns. They’d be popping off one another at alarming rates I’m sure.

      PS. How many gawkers watched this slaughter? I’m sure they were well pleased.

      • Boooooooooya

        To be fair, when you’re in the same room as someone hacking someone else to death with a hatchet, even standing and gawking would take some guts. I suspect most people would go for the ‘run like hell’ option, unless they were VERY confident of their kung-fu powers.

    2. P.

      While the attack appears horrendous at face value, we needn’t jump to conclusions, particularly since details are still sparse. Seeing as how the incident occurred at a medical university in a somewhat remote province, we can’t rule out the possibly of a covert reanimation program gone wrong—especially considering the university staff depicted in the above clip don’t appear to be too keen on talking to the media.

      I sense a cover-up.

      Furthermore, that blood spatter pattern appears to be consistent with documented cases of aborted efforts at reanimation. I know this because I watch the Walking Dead and Dexter.

      I’d advise Beijing Cream to assemble a crack team of reporters to root out the truth.


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