Henan Man Who Kept Six Sex Slaves In Basement Dungeon Gets Death Penalty

Last September, a public servant in Luoyang, Henan province was discovered to have kept six women, aged 16 to 24, as sex slaves in an underground dungeon for two to 21 months. In addition to raping them, making them act in porn, and prostituting them, he forced three of the women to murder two of the others. He was only discovered after one of the women escaped.

For all this, Li Hao, now 35 — a husband and father of a young son — was sentenced to death Friday. Reports Xinhua:

Li Hao, 35, was convicted on charges of murder, rape, organized prostitution, illegal detention and spreading pornography for profit by the Luoyang Intermediate People’s Court in Henan Province.

And so ends the saga of one of the more shocking and publicized crimes this country has seen. The case was so disturbing when it was first reported that local officials apologized:

Guo, the Luoyang police chief, said the city-wide safety overhaul will leave no “dirty spots.” He said the authorities will also tend to the victims and conduct a speedy but thorough investigation.

“I beg the people of Luoyang to give us another chance. We will show you the results of our actions,” Guo pledged.

Ministry of Tofu has a good write-up of the incident from last September, with several pictures, and Shanghaiist has linked to this photo gallery of the man and his dungeon.

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