If you write about China, are slightly Asian, live here, or have generally anything to do with this country, there’s a decent chance you know Mesi Chinese, a.k.a. @chinesetutorbei. That’s because she — it — has been on a one-person rampage to find out whether you — yes, you – want to have a Chinese language partner — or in her words, “have interesting to do language exchange with chinese friend?”
Who is this poor girl with 46 followers?
@chinesetutorbei Who are you?
— Anthony Tao (@anthonytao) December 28, 2012
We’ll let you know when we find out.
In the meantime, have a look at the who’s who list of people she’s tweeted at, which includes Andrew Jacobs of the New York Times, Kelly Dwyer of Yahoo’s Ball Don’t Lie blog, professional basketball player Maya Moore, and BJC contributor Allie Jaynes:
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Good job posting the Storify, now I’m off to replace my scroll wheel.
I feel left out after scrolling through that list
If we plebians wind up to no good due to the lack of Chinese coursing through our veins, at least it wasn’t our own fault.
Her boobs look really weird!
Bu yao!
To anyone who thinks she might be cute, run away! Run away!
Stealth madam?
Are these the same people that constantly spam Linkedin with Chinese language training services in Shanghai/Beijing?
I’ll take it as a compliment.
do you have interesting to do language exchange with chinese friend?
Lol, how much for “short time”?